The electric field E is defined such that, on a stationary charge:
Ignoring such effects, the equation for the magnitude of the electric field E is:
This suggests similarities between the electric field E and the gravitational field g, so sometimes mass is called "gravitational charge".
With a long conducting wire of length L, an electric field E is generated in the wire.
For a spatially uniform electric field E, the torque is given by:
The one-dimensional equation of motion for an electron in a constant electric field E is:
At low fields, the drift velocity v is proportional to the electric field E, so mobility μ is constant.
Imagine an electric field E passing through a surface.
In a nonlinear media, the dielectric polarization P responds nonlinearly to the electric field E of the light.
Occasionally an alternative definition in terms of electric field E and the magnetic flux density B is used.