At low frequencies, such as the AM broadcast band, the near field region is physically quite large.
As such, after the avalanches leave the electric field region, frictional forces dominate, the electrons lose energy, and the process stops.
A magnetic mirror happens anytime a charged particle is reflected from a denser magnetic field region.
New avalanches predominantly grow in the high field regions, so a self-propagating structure can emerge: a streamer.
Both positive and negative streamer grow by impact ionization in this high field region.
In this near field region, the tag is closely coupled electrically with the transmitter in the reader.
In 2009, contains 10 clubs from Bangkok and field region.
Often this cell is subdivided into a number of low- and high-electric field regions by some arrangement of electrodes.
See section 5.1.3 for the condition defining the far field region.
A single-stage reflectron is equipped with an ion mirror that has a single electric field region.