How did the Earthship survive such a fierce assault?
Today, eight more soldiers were reported to have died in an exceptionally fierce assault on Grozny.
The system has come under almost as fierce an assault in America and is likely to be a leading November election issue.
Heedless of danger, The Shadow began a fierce assault on the lock.
The second half of 2010 has been marked by a fierce assault on public services from a government of millionaires.
In particular employment in central and local government has come under fierce assault because of its non-market nature.
In a burst of fury, she pressed a fierce assault, forcing him back a dozen steps.
He makes a fierce assault on the Polish mentality as reflected in literature and belabors its most known representatives.
Martin's, $23.95) to face another fierce assault on his belief in human goodness.
At last, though, a fierce assault cleared them from the precinct.