Her attempts to extinguish it were no match for the fierce blaze.
Like straw on a fire, it kindles into a fierce blaze, but it is over in an instant.
A fierce green blaze bathed Freddy's face, from a screen she couldn't see.
In an instant a fierce blaze shot up, as hot, in proportion, as would come from any burning building.
"It certainly was a fierce blaze, and I'm glad my chemicals took such prompt effect," said Tom.
Soaker, trembling, saw the fierce blaze of The Shadow's eyes.
It was some three weeks after his return from his journey, and the fierce blaze of the sun continued.
There, Cliff and the men are battling a fierce blaze.
Close to a fierce blaze, he was shown four unexploded bombs, one directly under an oil tank.
The fierce blaze, they say, also damaged a sense of confidence and security they had gained over the years.