He was one of its fiercest partisans and most competent operatives, whether the job was lining up votes or raising money.
Tony Coelho was one of the Democratic Party's fiercest partisans on the Hill.
Do voters want fierce partisans, championing their core issues?
But the game doesn't doesn't start until 8:20 P.M., and how many of us, fierce partisans excluded, can confidently predict what state we'll be in by then?
Mr. Holbrooke has some fierce partisans in the foreign policy establishment, as well as detractors.
Then why has just about everybody except Al Gore, George W. Bush and their fiercest partisans had so much fun?
In addition, the mothers were their daughters' fiercest partisans and sternest critics.
As time went on, his early fierce partisans began to slowly distance themselves and look for compromise and advancement with Manuel.
But he met some fierce partisans, too, and got into a shouting match with one of them-a paunchy and garrulous real estate millionaire named Thurman Pennel.
The Supreme Court is now the only state institution able to quell the political paranoia of all but the fiercest partisans and bring this presidential election to a credible close.