Selig is a fierce protector of baseball's integrity, and he will not allow Rose to return without a full confession.
After all, Chewbacca is a lovable, loyal and a fierce protector when needed, just like man's best friend.
It was Michelangelo's intention that the finished David would serve as more than just a fierce protector of the city.
Then he let her go, for she was surrounded by strong men, by fierce protectors who were her own kin.
She is a particularly fierce protector of women and children.
The women in turn are sought by many noblemen and guarded by fierce protectors.
Its members became the fiercest protectors of the young state and also constituted the main strength of his faithful army.
Within the court, friends say, he had a reputation as a family peacemaker, an attentive uncle, and a fierce protector of his father's interests.
Entitlements, however, now account for more than half, and they have developed armies of fierce protectors.
Go on to your house, then, and wait for your fierce protector.