A fierce shriek of fury caused him to blench, glance back at the cavern.
I heard another scream-a fierce shriek.
Rualath sprang to her feet with so fierce a shriek of alarm that Kevin started, his hands slipping on the strings, shattering his Bardic spell.
A fierce shriek erupted from his lips and he knocked the startled Cardassian over.
The cops were met with a fierce shriek that would have shamed a banshee, a howl so unearthly that it scattered them to far corners.
Teeth and claws gleamed, a flash of ivory, and a fierce shriek broke from its throat.
The pain grew, wriggling and pricking and poking, until it became a fierce, furious shriek, like a raptor's call.
Then, with a fierce shriek of blood lust, the chase was on.
Sooner or later, each of the young wives lets out a fierce shriek or a shrill giggle and slips into the abyss of caricature.
A shriek, fierce, threatening, and deadly, rent the air.