Those beautiful full lips that had kissed her with such heat, such fierce tenderness, thinned.
Rebecca watched his face, her eyes lulled and soft, fascinated by the fierce tenderness she saw there.
The curly-haired woman had picked up the baby boy, clutching it with all the fierce tenderness that Lindra showed the girl.
She turned her head towards him, the dark hair piled high on top, and her eyes shone with an almost fierce tenderness.
David felt a sort of fierce tenderness.
For a moment, he held her with fierce tenderness.
Later she woke and saw him sleeping, and sat memorizing every line of his face with a fierce tenderness.
A fierce tenderness washed through her, spreading a sudden calm.
Narm held her with a fierce tenderness and stared down at the sorceress.
Wet as they were she hugged them with a fierce tenderness.