She had that look again, the stubborn, determined expression of a fierce will.
A tale of family pride, fierce will, Yankee self-reliance?
She had seen it in the girl's eyes, the fierce will to live.
The transfusion, combined with her fierce will to live, had come together magnificently.
It's an unsettling book, from the first page showing Steinberg's fierce will to survive.
A few rare beings were born with the charismatic energy, the psychic abilities, and a fierce will to control them.
Small and beautiful, she had nevertheless possessed a fierce, indomitable will.
His men had the discipline of the military academies of Jant in their blood, the fierce will to win.
Then comes a surge of spirit and a fierce will to survive.
A natural leader whose gruff exterior and fierce will to succeed in his field belies a benevolent nature.