The seven fierce-looking men that were squatted down in a half circle before her and Chase just stared at him and blinked.
He recalled what Ivan said about a fierce-looking man.
These were fierce-looking men in feathered war bonnets and buckskins.
Perhaps that was he, right here, now, his father's father, that wonderful fierce-looking old man.
One of the men was Mahmoud, the other a fierce-looking, bearded man in his late twenties.
It was shortly before noon when a group of perhaps fifty fierce-looking men came galloping over a nearby hill.
Some of their captains with a small guard came to see who we were, fine, fierce-looking men.
This huge fierce-looking man wanted to be liked.
The fierce-looking man over there, with the large mustachios is her father--he's their leader.
They were fierce-looking men looking better suited to murder than any men Richard had ever seen.