But their fiery arrows could only destroy the empty shell that was Stronghold.
Every enemy that appeared in the doorways where the spans had been was killed or beaten back by a hail of fiery arrows.
We weren't to run out after them, and they stayed back, throwing fiery arrows and running up to launch their spears.
And the meaning of her name was Breo-saighit, a fiery arrow.
In his hands, he carries not only fiery arrows and a bow but healing remedies as well.
From the sky it would show like a fiery arrow pointing right at him.
His thoughts flashed through his head like fiery arrows.
With the amount of saidin pouring through it, there might as well have been a fiery arrow in the sky pointing to al'Thor.
He shot fiery arrows and stones at her, which produced lightning and thunder.
They then together attacked the demon, shooting fiery arrows at her.