Suddenly he reached down, pulled a fiery brand from center, and tossed it at the wall.
Torchlight from the fiery brands in their wall sockets only added to the ghostly effect.
Timbers crashed down, fiery brands splintering off and searing his skin.
Down at the human end of the defensive line, fiery brands went flying out.
His touch was light, so that she could almost be imagining it, yet it left a trace like a fiery brand on her skin.
Red was its hand, too, and when it clutched and lifted him the fingers burned like fiery brands.
A fiery brand touched to her spine, the pain shooting into her legs.
Then he used the blade to separate some fiery brands from the main pile.
She imagined a fiery brand would still be visible there when she looked into a mirror.
His erection was like a fiery brand.