They swept into Na'ha'leima like the fiery breath of god.
Moments later the grenade exhaled in a fiery breath above his head.
In this form she has all the powers of a dragon, such as fiery breath and tough scales.
Even the force of Ralfnir's fiery breath simply blew him gently away.
With fiery breath and split tongues, they enjoy every meal.
Most possessed leathery wings, fiery breath, and the power of speech.
He can help increase his potential for fiery breath by consuming raw iron.
They did not want to disturb the great beast any more than to borrow its fiery breath for a single burst of fire.
From the snake, some of which (though not the largest) were poisonous, it developed a fiery breath.
It is the wind of Africa which drives them before it with a fiery breath.