He was never viewed around the league as a fiery coach until his November 2000 guarantee that his team would make the playoffs.
Huggins, the fiery coach, can be as in-your-face as Cincinnati's defense.
Brown's fiery inner coach has never been exorcised.
In Saban, the Giants saw the fiery young coach of their future.
We got a fiery team and a fiery coach.
Martinez said that Torres "is a fiery coach and Bartow was a calm coach.
Esposito should have been able to forsee that a fiery coach and an emotional general manager wouldn't mix.
Throughout all that you have Tom Morello as the coach of Team USA - he's a fiery coach and he's out for blood!
Nelson went from talking about a potential lawsuit against N.C.A.A. to a story about his fiery coach, Bob Huggins.
Afterward, John Chaney, Temple's fiery coach, downplayed his team's lofty ranking and said the Owls might lack some key ingredients.