In the first hours of fiery determination he had set his goal at Number One, but he soon saw that that would be denied him.
He has a fiery determination to prove his own spotlight-ready worth.
A fiery determination burned through him.
His eyes were alive with a fiery determination to drive home to the Corinderians just how foolish their plan had been.
'Indeed not,' replied Sally-Anne, with all the fiery determination which her own family knew so well.
She had dark, straight hair that hung down to the middle of her back, a sharp intellect, and a fiery determination.
Richard weighed the fiery determination so evident in her green eyes.
Ozawa's pilots boasted of their fiery determination, but they had only a fourth as much training and experience as the Americans.
They cleanse the feet of the violated woman, and their communal flex-footed dances are imbued with fiery determination.
Bolan found Ulyatin by his side, the woman's eyes alive with fiery determination.