But can even Yuji's fiery emotions help to melt away Marlene's icy exterior?
Ablaze with fiery emotions, Meredith walked self-consciously to the bathroom under Lucenzo's critical eyes.
For all the fiery emotion, the real issue is not the statue but the political gridlock that makes Russia almost impossible to govern.
It was the one discipline he knew that could throw the most fiery emotions into system.
Perhaps it's a good thing that the fiery emotions of youth tend to burn out.
The voice, which has been ruminating softly, suddenly bolts upward into a high tenor register to expel all the pent-up, fiery emotion.
He was a mess of fiery emotions, a constant explosion of impulses.
She couldn't reach it, couldn't tap into it, couldn't dredge up one fiery emotion.
He wanted nothing more than to change that blaze in her eyes into a lover's passion, for her to concentrate all her fiery emotions on him.
But Martin is a player with fiery emotions.