She knew Carlotta's fiery nature by now, and felt that it was of no use at all to attack her in that mood.
Also left on the plate was chicken vindaloo, the Goan dish generally known for its fiery nature, but missing it here.
A few events of this kind roused the fiery nature of the Irish; and they attacked the invaders.
Sayce had the fiery nature that made people see her as a leader.
She grew restless beneath him and sought intimacy of a more fiery nature.
Some local people have nicknamed this structure "mother-in-law" because of its fiery nature.
This is attributed to the "fiery" nature of Mars, the planet of war.
Jets players have grown accustomed to Henderson's fiery nature.
Alexander had a fiery nature to match his fiery red hair.
He'd been too young, too impatient to deal with her fiery nature.