But, based on his masterful, fiery performance Saturday, he could break that winless streak Sunday.
The concept was to catch James in a raw and fiery performance outside the recording studio.
Her lively, zestful and fiery performances have impressed many audiences.
He gave a fiery performance that was particularly effective in the Turkish music of the finale.
They gave fiery performances, each challenging the other in bravura displays.
Here, in a fiery performance, it is the myth of Heifetz's unfailing perfection that is dismissed.
The one-hour-22-minute semifinal showcased a fiery performance by the exuberant winner and a submissive one from the former champion.
The sound is barely passable, but these are totally committed, fiery performances.
As in the previous two Olympics, Sweden came up with a consistent, if not fiery, performance and went away with the bronze medal.
We have been denied his fiery performances after he took an early bow, conceding one frame at just 23-0 down.