His voice, which usually had a fiery ring to it, this day was calm, almost soft.
In fact, their forces were now reduced to a fiery ring, marked by Luna's orbit.
Then he bent over his fiery ring.
For a long time, now, the circus-running sun had raced within his fiery ring, and needs no sustenance but what's in himself.
Refracted light made its air a fiery ring.
On one finger she wore a dark green stone the size of a quail's egg that was surrounded in a fiery ring of diamonds.
Pedro Mingo had not once moved his eyes from the face that shone in the red light of the fiery ring.
Taking firm hold of him, she pulled him into the fiery ring of magic.
Directly above him was the image of a fiery ring, dark at the core, rimmed by an irregular halo of luminous gas.
Then they are gone and he sees only the fiery ring of NGC 7293.