Why do you want to fight Goliath?
"But not well enough to fight Goliath."
"But how did he know-how did you know I meant to fight Goliath?"
Once, when you fought Goliath, I hurled green magic against him.
David said to his brothers when they challenged his right and ability to fight Goliath: 'Is there not a just cause?'
My purpose, however, is not to set down yet another narrative about a small-town David fighting big-business Goliath.
But even if we're not David fighting Goliath, we're still losing soldiers.
Naturally, no one is willing to fight Goliath and proceed to stall him for forty days by running and hiding.
Dave then goes to King Saul and tells him that he will fight Goliath.
He fought Black Goliath, but was killed by Warhawk.