What is it about us, she seems to ask, that we endlessly fight and destroy?
James P. Carey, who became principal around 1881, fought endlessly for much needed improvements in the school system.
And they fought endlessly for survival.
Beatty tells Montag that he had a dream in which they fought endlessly by quoting books to each other.
Many were reduced to near penury but they fought endlessly to maintain the social ascendancy which had once been theirs.
Gaia is a beautiful beautiful whole created by the billions endlessly fighting for their next meal.
The males will fight endlessly, bloodying one another gruesomely, to determine who will dominate the roost.
Wherever there was trouble, and honest men needed help, the Robin Hood outlaw managed to appear, fighting endlessly until their way of life became safe again.
But they also fight about it endlessly.
Pandulf's lands were partitioned among his sons, who fought endlessly over the inheritance.