Worse, as the fight intensified, many soldiers could have taken to holding their own horses or hobbling them, further reducing the 7th's effective fire.
Coincidentally, the fight has intensified at a time when the court officers' union is working without a contract, which expired in April.
The fight over the holy land foundation's remaining money is intensifying.
The fight on the walls intensified as more men came to the threatened ramparts.
The fight intensified against the evening when Abercromby returned and tried to attack.
Some said they feared that as the fight over the ballot measure intensified, it would bring only more painful division.
My mother belatedly saw the light as her fights with Jerry intensified.
The fight over these forests has intensified as acreage shrinks.
More deals are likely to take place, as the fight to maintain shelf space intensifies.
But the fight has recently intensified and threatens to keep the company's frankfurters out of the state.