A little enclave that thrills the world because its fighters defend them- selves against the Arab circle?
If a fighter loses consciousness ("goes limp") as a result of legal strikes, or does not immediately defend himself after a knockdown, he is declared knocked out.
This is my husband: fighter for his people, political refugee, National Committee to Defend Negro Leadership, 1953.
Instead, the politicians hoped the American fighters based in Denmark would defend Norway.
The fighter could attack and defend at the same time using two swords.
Churchill urged the need to retain fighters to defend the UK, and doubted if 6 more fighter squadrons would make the difference.
Another criticism of the lineal championship is that a fighter may defend it against inferior opponents.
He judged that he had the ability to use fighters to defend the fleet against an air threat out to a radius of perhaps a hundred miles.
Any fighters on the deck of aircraft carriers will defend against all enemies.
Dowding agreed air defence would require some offensive action, and fighters could not defend Britain alone.