The fighter and the magic-user found themselves staring at the old man, speechless.
The fighter found Midnight's horse and one of the brigands' mounts still alive.
The fighter found that the mist soon parted and he could breathe in fresh, clean air again.
Once engaged, small fighters also found they were buffeted by propeller wash.
The fighter banked hard to the right in front of the MD-80, found the site, and locked on.
There didn't seem to be a possible way out of that fix, but the cloaked fighter found one.
Pep even slipped around him, and for a moment the other fighter couldn't find him.
"Great fighters find a way to win," Whitaker said after Friday's fight, knowing he was far from his best.
Neither fighter could find much momentum as his opponent always looked for ways to take it away.
They would both be needed if those fighters found The Shadow.