The fighters fired one of those tracking missiles into it and let it go.
The Japanese fighter fired until it stalled and slipped into the clouds.
But the fighter kept coming and, at a range of about 10 miles, fired two missiles.
Mother danced around the blasts easily-the fighters had fired from too far away.
American officials said they were not certain the Peruvian fighter actually fired warning shots.
Only when the fighter fires weak or no shots that the star's multiplier is at 256.
Iraqi fighters were waiting in ambush and had fired the first shots; one of them got him.
An additional fighter on the east end of the courtyard fired, fatally wounding Gathercole.
The American fighters fired six missiles at the Iraqi aircraft, but they were able to evade them all and escape back to the north.
His fighters fired on Israeli troops, but they did so under heavy aircraft cover and at night, he said.