Reports from Washington indicate that President Bush himself approved the use of American fighters, flown out of Clark Air Base 50 miles north of Manila.
Originally a military airfield used mainly to refuel new fighters and bombers being flown to Great Britain during the Second World War, Trudeau Airport today serves over 12 million passengers annually.
The Scimitar and Broadsword were the primary fighters and bombers flown by the main characters, with the Dralthi and Grikath fulfilling those roles for the Kilrathi.
In the original draft scripts of the movie that would become Star Wars, the term "Stardestroyer" refers to two-man fighters flown by what would become the Galactic Empire in later drafts.
In the original run of Battlestar Galactica, the Colonial Viper is the only known fighter flown by Colonial Pilots, referred to as "Colonial Warriors".
The mixed unit was composed of fighters, fighter bombers and medium bombers, flown by both American and Chinese airmen.
The mighty Æthereal wings of Blacks, Browns, Reds and Oranges had joined the gravoid fighters flown by the Pride Guardians.
The Avro 521 was a British two-seat fighter first flown late in 1915, based on the 504.
The crashes were reported to be due to "technical failures or poor maintenance", with a failure rate per hour flown over 100 times higher than the F-16 fighters flown in the same wars.
This was about the same as piston engined fighters being flown in combat at that time.