Some of the Great Ones stayed in the palace; others were accommodated with relations; the keenest fighters headed for the pavilions that had been erected on the turfed racecourse northwest of the city, where they could practice their martial specialties.
Spisarevski evaded two American fighters, headed to a group of 16 Liberators and, without ceasing fire, crashed into the leading bomber.
They are two fighters headed on different career paths - De La Hoya going up and Mosley going down.
However, an application of antimatter thrusters and afterburners slowed all but the most extreme velocities and had the fighter headed in the new direction in no time.
Into the penthouse came a flood of fresh fighters, headed by Lucky Belther.
Eighteen fighters headed for them, targeting at least two missiles at each.
The predecessor of the VPA was the Armed Propaganda Unit for National Liberation which consisted of 34 fighters headed by Vo Nguyen Giap who later became the first full General of the VPA on May 28, 1948.
The road, which leads to Baghdad, is the primary route for foreign fighters headed for suicide attacks in the capital.
The Burberry khaki trench coat was issued to British fighters headed for the French trenches in 1914; the coats came with their signature belt D-rings for map cases and swords.