Russian border guards allowed the Chechen fighters led by Shamil Basayev to cross into Abkhazia or at least did nothing to prevent them from arriving in the conflict zone.
April 6 - Irgun fighters led by Ya'akov Meridor raided the British Army camp at Pardes Hanna, killing seven British soldiers.
This time, they were confronted by the fighters, led by Prabhakaran himself.
It was made up of just under two thousand fighters from the East Country, led by Count Storton.
Indeed, Shahzad wrote, the Mehran attack had been carried out by a group of fighters led by Ilyas Kashmiri-the Al Qaeda fighter whom he had praised for his "unmatched guerrilla expertise."
The Serbs decided to conquer the entire Byzantine theme of Bulgaria, so King Mihailo dispatched his son with 300 Serb fighters led by Duke Petrilo.
Inside Iraq, American intelligence officials say, foreign fighters led by Mr. Zarqawi are probably responsible for no more than 10 percent of the attacks carried out against American forces.
On the morning of 21 April, No. 209 was on patrol when they became engaged in combat with fighters of Jagdstaffel 11, led by Manfred von Richthofen, the "Red Baron".
The eager surge of those fresh fighters led by Harry and Bob brought a strange laugh from The Shadow's hidden lips.
The rebel group, a guerrilla force of some 40,000 fighters led by John Garang, held most of the southern Sudan just a year ago, battling government troops as far north as Renk and Darfur.