More than 300,000 people have been internally displaced in Sierra Leone since renewed fighting broke out last May, he said.
The fighting broke a tense 10-day cease-fire, and it raised fears that the army was planning to move straight into the camp.
After the formal unification of the Sandinista guerrillas in March, heavy fighting broke out all over the country.
Last week, the heaviest fighting of the conflict broke the first cease-fire, forcing diplomats to negotiate the new one, which was signed in Montevideo, Uruguay.
When the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991, factional fighting broke in a power struggle in Tajikistan.
At that dramatic sound, the fighting broke sharply off, nomads, Faithful, and Romulans all startled into immobility.
In Abidjan, heavy fighting broke out on 31 March as pro-Ouattara forces advanced on the city from several directions.
But heavy fighting broke out later in the city center, and pro-Government forces were reported massing for a counterattack.
The fighting broke a yearlong truce in Croatia that had held even when battles raged in neighboring Bosnia.
"When the fighting broke out the losses were impossible to describe," he said.