Although the edges of the shapes do not always hold and the figure-ground relationship is not always entirely resolved, the series as a whole is impressive.
It is a dynamic visual art, stemming from a discordant figure-ground relationship that causes the two planes to be in a tense and contradictory juxtaposition.
This reverses the figure-ground relationship of the 1980's design, which imposed the hulking towers symmetrically on axis with Central Park West.
Later, by groups of new paintings, she shifted her style from the previous one to the study of forms and figure-ground relationship.
Other good works present the eye with teasing figure-ground relationships, like one from 1960 consisting of black horizontal bars separated by eight white ones.
While remaining steadfastly loyal to his upside-down images, he keeps his style and figure-ground relationship in constant flux.
The figure-ground relationship in his paintings is still there, but it has become the relationship of sculpture to space around it.
Re-created for this exhibition, this large-scale but completely ephemeral work from 1969 puts the figure-ground relationship through a few changes - four, to be exact.
He believed that an examination of the figure-ground relationship can offer a critical commentary on culture and society.
He is moving away from the figure-ground relationship that defined his earlier work and made each chunk of earth, sky and water fit together like a puzzle.