Senior officials said they imagined that Mr. Arafat might well stay as a figurehead leader in a new Palestinian government.
They decide to implement a dictatorship, oust the king, and go about finding someone stupid enough to be a figurehead leader.
As soon as he was finished, the figurehead leader of the official religion would step back and let the King complete the political formalities.
His career was sketched lightly, and it was firmly asserted that he, and not the figurehead leaders, had been the author of the Russian Revolution.
Aged 13, Sigurd was a figurehead leader.
The Emperor remained in Kyoto as a figurehead leader, with authority only over cultural and religious affairs.
Gaddafi supporters have lost their figurehead leader, and are probably too demoralised at the moment to start the insurgency that some hotheads among them have threatened.
In Ireland the four universities all have a chancellor as their figurehead leader.
The referendum would have amended the 98-year-old Constitution to remove the British monarch as the figurehead leader in Australia's parliamentary democracy.
Many Green parties have rejected or constrained the traditional role of leaders as "party boss", in favor of having figurehead leaders or spokespeople.