Montgomery meanwhile, filmed his scenes over the course of all seven days alongside the guest cast.
He noted that while it was unconfirmed, Still had been seen filming on location alongside Scanlan, covered in blood.
She also has filmed performances for the upcoming films Alongside the Night and King of the Road.
Dogs of War (1923), an Our Gang comedy filmed alongside the feature film Why Worry?
Michaelson filmed his final scenes in November alongside Blakely and Imbruglia, who departed the show around the same time.
"To The Last Man" was filmed alongside "Adam" as part of Block 1 of production.
The film was filmed in Cornwall alongside Dominic Cooper and Dan Stevens.
She also filmed her third Mainland drama Racecourse alongside boyfriend Bosco Wong in late 2010.
Unlike many other military documentaries, Huston's cameramen filmed alongside the infantrymen as they fought their way up the hills to reach San Pietro.
The 2009 film version of Sherlock Holmes was extensively filmed in Manchester alongside London and Liverpool.