The film otherwise avoids the usual, and nearly everything the camera finds prompts contemplation.
And if the film avoids addressing that directly, it still achieves an air of candor.
A film to avoid unless you enjoy wallowing in misery.
The film, however, avoids some hard questions: in her presidential campaign did she make mistakes in building relationships?
A film about Kinsey could hardly avoid controversy, since even the facts of his biography are in dispute.
But the film avoids the trap of making "Lolita" too literary on screen.
The film avoids any discussion of Middle Eastern politics to concentrate on the quest for the dead man's identity.
Maybe the only true antiwar films avoid war altogether.
It also noted that the film avoided sensitive topics, such as on the reforms that led to the 1911 revolution.
It might have been too much to hope that the film would avoid a contrived, melodramatic happy ending.