Overall, the film cast 15 foreign actors.
By way of bringing the community to life, the film casts some stellar Irish actors in what are essentially cameo roles.
Yet in spite of the bounty it's appeared to bestow, this film has cast a shadow over the picture-house.
The film had several false starts, with the producers and cast changing extensively over time.
The film casts some of the best opera singers of its day.
Each film cast the duo in different occupations, which they would tackle enthusiastically if not efficiently.
Mr. Lyne's films may not cast any new light on the human condition, but they do keep you glued to the screen.
But the film inadvertently casts light on other aspects of the human condition - our tendency to lionise, and to demonise.
Director Naoto Kumazawa and the film cast members made an appearance there, where they were greeted by a hall full of fans.
The film cast Derek as a young college student who has an affair with her older, married professor.