The nearly $4 million movie was financed by the Initial Entertainment Group, a film financier, after another company dropped out at the last minute.
In 2005, the real Dyer (a film financier), sued writer Childress, producer DeVito, and director Stiller.
Later, he turned a film financier and Realtor.
Madonna had secured backing from Indian billionaire Anil Ambani's IM Global film financiers.
Pierre David (born May 17, 1944) is a Canadian film producer and film financier.
The 1997 all-women's expedition is the brainchild of Caroline Hamilton, a 33-year-old film financier from London with a yen for "extreme places."
As film financiers, Berney's partners at Newmarket had a relationship with Icon, Mel Gibson's production company.
Ryan Colin Kavanaugh (born December 4, 1974) is an American film producer and film financier.
Minevitch spent the rest of his career as a music hall performer, comedy film actor, impresario, film financier and distributor.
Wilkinson has acted as a consultant to film financiers, producers and others on over 300 feature films in development.