The film only hints at his use of the palantír which drives him mad, information revealed in the Pyre scene, which is more violent than the book.
The majesty and large gesture that seemed natural to his physique were, as these films only hinted, also capable of being refashioned into the unexpected.
The film doesn't even hint at the novel's deeper level of meaning.
Fidel and Celia are rarely apart, although the film only hints at the depth of their relationship.
In fact, the film only hints at any human dimension.
The film doesn't even hint at his affairs with men (big surprise).
However, the second and third film hinted at potential plots for the fourth.
The film also hints at an underlying anxiety about race.
However, these films already hinted and anticipated the director's desire to leave Iran; Hamid Naficy called them "proto-exilic" films.
But pop culture always reflects mainstream attitudes, if only inadvertently, and in their exaggerated ways these films hint at how women's lives have changed.