Inspired by Japanese writer Yukio Mishima, the film interweaves episodes from Mishima's life with dramatizations of segments from his books.
The film interweaves three narratives that explore the nature of violence, or poison, in society.
The film interweaves the reminiscences of 12 men and women who fled Vienna by various means in 1938 and '39 to settle in New York.
The Heroes of Desert Storm" was preceded by a cautionary announcement: "Tonight's film is based on true stories and interweaves news footage and dramatizations with actors and actual participants.
The film interweaves three stories from different eras but sharing a common location, in the forest of Ardennes.
Worse, the film thoughtlessly interweaves actual African-Cuban New York religious images and concepts with murderous nonsense.
The film was directed by Robin Neinstein and interweaves essays from the book visualized imaginatively through animation, dramatic scenes and old stock footage.
The film trims the slow-moving but hypnotic Smith section of the evening and interweaves sections of it with the Cohn section so that the two characters are constantly following each other.
The film interweaves Lovett's struggle to keep his glaucoma at bay with the stories of six people he meets who are dealing with different levels of sight loss.
The 75-minute film, which was directed by Paris Poirier, interweaves two parallel narratives.