These credits are also not original but have been redrawn, removing all indication that the film was photographed in Technicolor.
The film was written, produced, directed, and photographed by Alexander Nanau.
The film is richly photographed and elaborately produced.
The film was directed, edited and photographed by Justin Swibel.
The film was photographed by Ed Lachman, and featured a cast of mostly amateur actors.
The film was photographed in black-and-white by Christian Matras.
The film was photographed at 26 to 32 frames per second, and projected at 32 frame/s.
The film was photographed in black and white, and printed on color stock.
The film has been photographed with that slightly golden tinge currently favored for movies about good times past.
Up to 2000, once the film was photographed in Super 35, an optical printer was used to anamorphose (squeeze) the image.