Released May 19, 2001, the film lasted only 6 minutes.
But this film hasn't just lasted because of the dancing.
"I liked that a film could last only 10 seconds but live on in the viewer's mind," he said.
Each film lasted approximately 6 seconds and would be repeated several times.
The film opened to negative reviews and lasted only two to three weeks in theaters.
The film, a $16 million effort, lasts only 4 minutes but the body says it is longer.
The film lasted only 4 weeks in theaters and made a big loss, closing with a total of $7,371,706.
The film was shot in monochrome and lasts 18 minutes.
The film lasts as long as the conference did - 85 minutes.
Viewers will have had more than enough of this after 15 minutes, though the film lasts an eternal hour and a half.