The film weaves the pasts and presents of the three Ji-woos and focuses on their intersecting relationship.
As if this weren't enough, the ingeniously plotted film weaves in subplots of intrigue and romance.
Although fictional, the film weaves events drawn from several real sources into the story.
The film takes place during the Christmas holiday and weaves various existential themes into the story.
Unfortunately, as dramatized, they function as conventions that are older than the story the film is weaving.
The film is a love story between two couples and woven with strong family sentiments like objection from elders.
The film weaves two stories together to illustrate these themes.
The film weaves their stories together, exploring the similarities that connect three very different women.
The film weaves the stages of Millard's real life with Arthurian parallels in the story.
As a result, the actors convincingly carry off the before, during and after modes that the film eventually, and artfully, weaves together.