There was a fuzzily silhouetted woman in a long, filmy gown on the side.
A filmy blue gown skimmed her shapely form.
She wished she could bring herself to wear the filmy gowns Berelain wore.
Under them she wore a filmy red gown, and under that Blade could see the outlines of her body.
She was dressed in a filmy sleeveless gown that seemed almost invisible.
She wore a filmy gown that clung to her lushly convex contours.
She wore a filmy gown the deep green of heart's blood, the vivid shade that once, long ago on Vulcan, had meant passion.
The firelight had turned her filmy gown and pale skin to gold.
His heart pounded in excitement as he saw a smoothly curved leg, trailing a filmy gown, disappear behind a tree.
She reached into the pocket of her new buckskin jacket, brought out the filmy green gown she'd worn.