A rectifier and a filter capacitor were connected directly to the mains.
The main filter capacitor will often store up to 325 V long after the power cord has been removed from the wall.
The power supply consisted of a rectifier and a filter capacitor.
These incorporate one or more filter capacitors to smooth the pulsing output voltage from the rectifier.
I disassembled a couple of dead bulbs and found a common failure mechanism in both - the electrolytic filter capacitors had exploded from overheating.
Electronic ballasts contain a small circuit board with rectifiers, a filter capacitor and usually two switching transistors.
The requirements of both the filter capacitor and the 'flyback' diode are fairly critical in this kind of application.
Computers use large numbers of filter capacitors, making size an important factor.
And so I'll step through every single large filter capacitor in the power supply, one by one, bringing them back to life, essentially.
Passive PFC is a simple way of increasing the power factor by putting a coil in series with the primary filter capacitors.