Yegorova was interrogated as a potential traitor continuously for eleven days at a filtration camp for returning Soviet prisoners.
He tried to return home through Poland, where he was arrested and held from May until September in the filtration camp in Hrodna.
She was known for her hard-hitting coverage of the First Chechen War and issues such as the use of special "filtration camps" by Russian authorities to control the population.
The filtration camps are camps in which torture, rape and violations are perpetrated: we know that now.
How else are we to interpret the fact that the UN envoy Mary Robinson was not granted access to Grozny and the filtration camps.
Human rights violations in the filtration camps are hardly even mentioned.
Soviet POWs and forced laborers who survived German captivity were sent to special "transit" or "filtration" camps to determine which were potential traitors.
During and after World War II, freed PoWs went to special "filtration" camps.
One of main, and the best known, filtration camps in Chechnya was the Chernokozovo detention center, set up in a former prison in 1999.
In addition, temporary "filtration camps" were being set up in the open fields or in the abandoned premises at the outskirts of the towns and villages in the course of numerous "mopping-up" (zachistka) special operations.