The filtration devices should make her voice unrecognizable, and she intended to screen her contact's private and unlisted civilian number.
The filtration device is designed to eliminate waterborne diseases, and as a result provide safe drinking water for one person for one year.
How many hotels have filtration devices like the electrostatic precipitators and keep them in good order?
If fish are kept, pumps and filtration devices are usually needed in order to keep enough oxygen in the water to support them.
Some filtration devices require no installation at all.
Hot, aerated water hissed out through a Japanese filtration device.
Respirators are simply filtration devices that keep airborne pollutants from entering your lungs.
All twenty units stacked on a pallet economically shared reservoirs, pumps, filtration devices, and the control panel.
If such activities are unavoidable, use of respiratory filtration devices should be considered.
And if tap water is so "pure," why are there so many filtration devices in use?