Due to contaminated water being widespread, in the mid-1980s urban families started installing filtration units at home.
The general concept of the Biolife filter is good and there are some pretty advanced design features for such a relatively modestly priced filtration unit.
I want this filtration unit running by 1800.
'Cause after we hook up the filtration unit, I'm gonna use 'em to haul your body out to the desert.
The shower was gravity-operated, rainwater from a roof tank, a fat white filtration unit strapped into the pipe above the spray head.
However by 2009, the filtration unit of the sewage treatment plant stopped functioning properly.
These are the tiny filtration units of the kidney.
She spun the taps and water hissed out through the filtration unit.
It deployed water infrastructure at a camp to provide daily water to 7,000 people, and had worked to install 2 more filtration units elsewhere.
A glomerulus and its surrounding Bowman's capsule constitute a renal corpuscle, the basic filtration unit of the kidney.