In the spring I shall return to Trinity, to dismantle my rooms, and bid you a final adieu.
But he describes the trip as his "final adieu" to America.
Having at last said the positively final adieu, Mlle.
When we consigned her to the tomb, we seemed at the same time to bid a final adieu to those peculiarly feminine virtues conspicuous in her; uneducated and unpretending as she was, she was distinguished for patience, forbearance, and sweetness.
In fact, she had hardly moved since she bade the final adieu to her timorous lover.
I am truly sorry, cousin, but I must now bid you a final adieu.
"I regret infinitely that this ceremony today takes the form of a final adieu," he said.
Here, then, we bid our square friend a final adieu, and leave the little book in which his story is enshrined, to consider further the laws of a fourth dimension.
Thus the affair died away, and was generally forgotten; for the girl, ostensibly to relieve herself from the impertinence of curiosity, soon bade a final adieu to the perfumer, and sought the shelter of her mother's residence in the Rue Pavée Saint Andrée.
Die gives him the missing papers that Rashleigh had held, and bids him one final adieu.