On 21 December 2009 a final alignment and extended tunnel option was announced requiring 205 houses to be bulldozed.
In November 1951, the final alignment was chosen.
In 1961, several highways were renumbered, establishing the final alignment of the route.
Give me one-quarter impulse power for five seconds and I'll do the final alignment with thrusters.
The routing that follows is of NY 35's final alignment.
This list is the final alignment of AF2.
The final alignment of the bridge has not yet been determined.
Once a final alignment is chosen, construction of the new bridge, which will be longer and curve farther inland, will begin.
A consultant landscape architect be appointed to advise on the treatment for the new road and its associated earthworks when the final alignment is known.
The final alignment of SR 23, shown as a paved highway, was in place by 1946.