End game, he thought, bearing down for a final dash.
She gave one final dash to the soft cashmere, sighed, and looked him in the eye.
Usually, sprinters like to be in back until the final dash.
The Enclave was a city, and their final dash would take them well inside its boundaries.
She had Extend pills, enough to renew her energy for the final dash out of here.
As they crouched down to rest before their final dash to the sea, a man stood up in the burnt grass ten feet above them.
Let the time taken to make the final dash be T seconds.
Fiedler then scrambled to get the ball to the 2, setting up his final dash.
Harlan was too good a leader to tire us both to the point where we would be unable to make a final dash.
The environment could easily be forgotten in the final dash for cash.