"Bad" Painting signals a further and final dissolution to this project, an end rather than a beginning.
He played rhythm guitar for the Dolls from 1971 until the group's final dissolution in 1977.
The family's final dissolution comes six months later, at Celesta's wedding.
This drove the band into the ground, and ultimately led to the group's final dissolution in 1995.
- hidden purpose that promised him at once fulfillment and a final dissolution.
The final dissolution of the marriage took place a few days ahead of Hancock's own suicide.
Varying personal interests among the band members though led to the final dissolution for the band.
The wider the gap, the nearer the civilization to final dissolution.
Yet this final dissolution was the culmination of a long decline.
Dissolved and reorganized several times, it operated under various names from 1809 until its final dissolution in 1830.