The delay diminishes the prospects for final enactment of a tobacco bill this year.
The measure differs slightly from a companion bill approved by the House last summer, 405 to 2, and those differences must be ironed out before final enactment.
Under the terms of the Tender of Union and the final enactment, the Scottish Parliament was permanently dissolved and Scotland was given 30 seats in the Westminster Parliament.
This was removed prior to final enactment of the ordinance on 23 April 1784.
But if the vote doesn't take place soon, the chances of final enactment are dim indeed.
Two Congressional committees have overwhelmingly approved legislation that clears the way for final enactment of the free-trade agreement with Canada.
The sanctions recommended by Congress would not take effect until final enactment of the farm bill, which was passed by the Senate today but awaits further action by the House.
Upon final enactment, the association said, service could be 75 percent restored in a day and fully restored in two days.
This provision was removed from the final enactment, probably because the Colonial Office wanted to keep a check on New Zealand's colonial government.
But the delay means less time for the House to work on the measure and could mean final enactment of a tobacco bill this year is less likely.